Thursday, November 10, 2011

What the girls have learned today:

What the girls have learned today:
- That Australian Service Men can stand VERY still, much stiller than the Calvary Boys.
- That Mrs Kolope can't work a Bubble Machine (at Questacon).
- That Grace is a Pascallian (But Mrs Prior won't hold that against her!)
- That team names like 'Princess'' and 'Butterscotch' are embarrassing to call out in a public place. But that 'Pirates' is completely fine!
- How quickly we can come up with a skit.
- Submarines are cramped and stinky places.
- That we are very grateful to the more than 102 000 Australian Service men and women who's names we read in the Hall of Memory's Role of Honour.
- That 3D tic tac toe is difficult!
- Some kinds of rubber are liquid, and take a very, very long time to drip (kind of like Pitch).
- That a 3m free fall slide is not very high, until you are hanging from the bar on the free fall slide … then it's VERY high!
- And sometimes boys can scream louder and higher than girls (particularly on said free fall slide).
- That we can achieve amazing things on very little sleep.
- Mrs Prior got an 18 point maximum score on the laughing clowns (we all know who spends lots of time at Carnivals!)
- Mrs Wilson and Mrs Kolope can recommend the best Hot Chocolates in Canberra (and if Mr Hughes is missing a coffee shop is a good place to check where it's fun for him to order 18 Freddo Frogs with his coffee)
- It only takes Coca-Cola and Chocolate to improve the moods of tired teachers.

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