Tuesday, October 25, 2011

QANTAS Travel Updates

Some parents have requested info regarding QANTAS industrial action and the myriad of ‘what-ifs’ which ensue.  We’ll attempt to keep this site up-to-date with our travel details.  However, QANTAS is the best site to check for travel info.  The link is HERE.  They also tweet and have a facebook page (neither of which I am capable of accessing at work).
Until next post!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Landing Procedures

It’s at this time I thought I’d acquaint our students with current landing procedures with QANTAS.  Since the strikes, most planes don’t stop at destinations.  Rather, they fly over and open the back door for children.  Don’t worry, all teachers are trained parachute specialists. ;)
2 Weeks to go!
Well, I'm not sure how many of us are counting down, but there are only 2 weeks until we will all be bording the plane to our capital, Canberra.  I'll try to keep this blog updated with what is going on.  However, we shouldn't expect that I spend all my time blogging.  This could turn to a good excuse for a coffee and respite - "Honestly Mr Collins, I need to use the WIFI at that cafe for the school blog.  Free with every coffee purchase."  This is sounding really good.